Terms of Use


The terms and conditions govern the use of this site, and by using PrivacySavvy.com, you accept these terms of use and conditions, in full, without reservation.

If you don’t agree with these terms of use and conditions or any section of these terms and conditions, you aren’t allowed to use/access this website.

Your age must be over 13 to use this website. By accepting these terms and conditions (and using this site), you warrant as well as represent that your age is over 13.

License to Use this Website

Unless and otherwise stated, staging.privacysavvy.com and its licensors own intellectual property rights that are published on this site as well as materials used therein, which are reserved.

You may view, download for purposes of caching only, and print files, pages, or content from the site for your personal use, subject to restrictions set below as well as elsewhere in these terms of use and conditions.

It is prohibited to:

  • Rent, sell, or sub-license material from this website.
  • Edit or modify any material on this website.
  • Duplicate, copy, reproduce or exploit material on this website for commercial purposes.
  • Redistribute content from this website – except content that’s specifically as well as expressly made available for redistribution; or
  • Reproduce or republish any section of this site via the use of screen scrapers or iframes.

Acceptable Use

This website must not be used in any manner that causes, or may cause, damage to the site or even impairment of the accessibility or availability of staging.privacysavvy.com or any way that’s illegal, unlawful, harmful, or fraudulent, or connected with unlawful activity or harmful purpose.

Also, you must not use this website to copy, host, store, distribute, transmit, publish, or use any material that consists of any computer spyware, worm, virus, rootkit, keystroke logger, Trojan horse, or any form of malicious computer software.

Besides, conducting any systematic and/or automated data collection activity in or in relation to this website without the express written consent of staging.privacysavvy.com is prohibited, including:

  • Data mining.
  • ‘framing’ (iframes).
  • Data harvesting.
  • Scraping.
  • Data extraction.
  • Article ‘Spinning.’

You must also not use the site or any of its parts to transmit unsolicited commercial communications. You must not use the website for purposes that are related to marketing without staging.privacysavvy.com’s express written consent.

No Warranties

The website is provided “as is” without representation or express, warranties or implied. This website doesn’t make representations or warranties related to staging.privacysavvy.com or the information as well as materials provided on the site.

Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, staging.privacysavvy.com doesn’t warrant that the site will be available constantly, or even available at all.

Nothing on the site is meant to constitute, or constitutes, any advice, meaning that if you require advice related to any legal, medical, or financial matter, you should consult a professional.

Also, the website doesn’t warrant or make any representations in relation to accuracy, reliability, or likely results of the use of materials on the site or otherwise relating to materials on any linked sites to our site.

Limitations of Liability

staging.privacysavvy.com and Privacy Savvy Media Ltd. will not be liable to you in relation to contents of, or use of, or in connection with the website:

  • For any indirect, consequential, or special;
  • To the extent that the site is provided for free, for any direct loss; or
  • For any business losses, income, loss of revenue, loss of reputation or goodwill, profits or anticipated savings, business relationships or loss of contracts, or corruption of information or data.

The limitations of liability will apply even if staging.privacysavvy.com and Privacy Savvy Media Ltd. have been advised expressly of the potential loss.

Accuracy of Materials and Content

The content and materials on staging.privacysavvy.com could include technical, photographic, or typographical errors.

The website does not warrant that the materials on the site are accurate, current, and complete. The website may make changes to materials it contains at any time without notice. Besides, the website doesn’t make any commitment to update its materials.

The website does contain affiliate links, whereby the site may earn some commissions if you buy a product.

In accordance with the guidelines of FTC, as well as the laws of the US, the website’s affiliate disclaimer statement is clearly published on each page (in the sidebar most of the time).


Nothing in the website disclaimer excludes or limits the warranty proposed by the law that would contrarily be forbidden to exclude or limit. Besides, nothing will exclude or limit the liability of the website in respect of any:

  • Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation on the side of staging.privacysavvy.com;
  • Death or personal injury that results from the negligence of the website or its agents, shareholders/owners, or employees; or
  • Matter that it could be unlawful or illegal for the website to limit or exclude or to purport or attempt to exclude or limit its liability.

Discrimination and Comments Policy

Ensure that you keep the comments constructive as well as your topic.

Comments or content that promotes harassment, hate speech, or any discrimination or abuse won’t be tolerated.

If there’s anything concerning should be reported.

Other Parties

As a limited liability entity, you agree that staging.privacysavvy.com has limited personal liability so as its officers and employees.

You, therefore, agree not to bring personal claims against the site’s employees or officers in respect of any losses suffered in connecting with the website.

Without prejudice to the foregoing statement, you acknowledge that constraints of warranties, as well as liability set in the site’s disclaimer, will defend its employees, officers, subsidiaries, assigns, agents, sub-contractors, and successors as well as staging.privacysavvy.com


By using the site, you agree that limitations, as well as exclusions of liability set out in this site disclaimer, are reasonable. If you don’t think they are reasonable, then you must not use the website.


You hereby indemnify staging.privacysavvy.com as well as undertake to keep privacysavvvy.com indemnified against any damages, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses incurred or suffered by the website arising from any breach by you of any provision of the terms and conditions, or as a result of any claim that you have breached any provision of the terms and conditions.

Unenforceable Provisions

In case any provision of the site’s disclaimer is, or perceived to be, not enforceable under the appropriate law, that won’t affect the enforceability of other provisions of the website disclaimer.

Breach of Terms and Conditions

Without prejudice to the website’s other rights under the terms and conditions, breaching these terms and conditions in any manner will force us to take action to deal with the breach appropriately.

That may include suspension from accessing the website, a permanent prohibition from accessing the site, block devices using your IP address accessing the site, or contacting your internet server to request a block from accessing the website or even bringing court proceedings against you.


The website may transfer, sub-contract, or even deal with its rights and/or obligations under the terms and conditions without notifying you or even your consent.

You should not shift, sub-contract, or otherwise trade with your obligations and/or rights under the terms and conditions.


These terms and conditions may be revised time-to-time, and the revised terms and conditions will be used with the site once they’re published on the website. Ensure that you check the page often to familiarize yourself with current terms and conditions.

By using the website, you agree to be bound by the current version of terms of service.

Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions alongside the site’s privacy policy, form the whole agreement between the portal and you in relation to how you use the website and supersede all the previous agreements in respect of the website usage.

Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by as well as inferred as per the laws of the USA, and any disputes that relate to these terms and conditions are subject to the exclusive discretion of the courts of the US in the state of Wyoming, whereby we’re officially incorporated.


If any court (or other competent authority) ascertains a provision of the above-mentioned terms and conditions to be unenforceable and/or unlawful, the other stipulations will remain to be in effect.

If any illicit and/or unenforceable provision would be lawful or enforceable or if a division of it were eliminated, that section will be considered being dropped, and the remainder of the provision will continue to be in effect.